Discover the customized services offered by our DevOps engineers

Customized support for your DevOps projects

At the heart of software and IT development, DevOps optimizes the productivity and quality of a company’s services. It enables you to rapidly upgrade your applications and IT infrastructures to meet user requirements and gain in competitiveness. As a specialist in technology engineering, cloud computing and IT development, Ezway Technology can help you with your DevOps projects.

Definition & advantages

DevOps comes from the combination of two expressive words: “development” and “operations”. This
methodology combines the work of teams responsible for development, integration
application deployment, IT infrastructure.

A DevOps engineer oversees all operations required to maintain, develop and optimize
the life cycle of IT applications and systems. the life cycle of IT applications and systems.
intervention is expanding into all areas relating to DevOps culture. From setting up a
from automated infrastructure to backup management, Ezway Technology supports you in every aspect of your business.
your DevOps projects.

The benefits

Experts in automated infrastructure management, DevOps engineers put their skills in IT and software development to work for you. It automates integration
and continuous deployment of your applications.

Our DevOps engineers help companies of all sizes to manage, automate, integrate and deploy their infrastructure, software and applications. They can handle :

DevOps practices: why choose Ezway Technology?

Specializing in outsourcing and software development, Ezway Technology masters the fundamentals of DevOps practices down to the smallest detail. Our teams of experienced developers can meet all your DevOps project needs. We can :

  • manage the continuous integration of your applications to find and correct errors and bugs more quickly, and update your software ;
  • manage the continuous delivery of your applications, whatever the production environment;
  • provide micro-services, deployed to improve the quality of your products and the performance of your applications/software;
  • commissioning and managing infrastructures as code (IaC) at all scales ;
  • carry out proactive monitoring and analysis of your applications;
  • optimize information sharing within and outside the company to create better interactions and enhance the user experience.

Our DevOps tools at your service

AWS (Amazon Web Services)

A comprehensive cloud computing platform offering a multitude of services and solutions to meet the needs of businesses.


GitLab is a software development management platform offering a comprehensive set of tools to facilitate collaboration, issue tracking, continuous integration and ongoing deployment.


Kubernetes is a container management and orchestration platform that simplifies the deployment, scaling and management of containerized applications.


Helm is an open-source tool used for package management and application deployment in Kubernetes.v


Docker offers an efficient, reproducible approach to application development, testing and deployment, while enhancing the flexibility and portability of runtime environments.


Traefik simplifies the deployment and management of applications in container environments, offering a flexible, dynamic and high-performance solution.


Terraform is an open source tool widely used in cloud computing and infrastructure as code.

Google Cloud

Google Cloud is a cloud computing platform offered by Google, providing a wide range of services and solutions for storage, computing, data management, AI (artificial intelligence) and much more.

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