Customized support for outsourcing your application management

Applications need constant improvement and maintenance to keep them running at peak performance. Application management helps optimize their processes and efficiency.

What is application management?

Application Maintenance involves delegating the maintenance of your applications to an external service provider. It encompasses all the services involved in maintaining an application’s lifecycle, including :

At Ezway Technology, we operate both within the framework of a global outsourcing contract (embedded Application Management) and stand-alone Application Management. Our application maintenance services can be adapted to any IT context, and can be part of a specific scope of work.

Why outsource application management?

Outsourcing a company’s application maintenance has many advantages. This alternative strengthens the supervision of application evolution, and helps reduce the number of incidents, errors and bugs that can affect their operation.

Reduced application maintenance costs

Outsourcing your company’s IT application maintenance optimizes your application maintenance costs. By entrusting their maintenance to a professional, you can considerably reduce your labor costs. You’ll optimize the budget usually allocated to this task, and benefit from greater productivity by limiting wasted time. Your teams will be able to concentrate more on other operations, leaving the management of complex application maintenance to an expert in the field.

Customized functional and technical expertise

The IT world is constantly changing with the emergence of new information and communication technologies. You need to constantly train your teams to keep up with these developments and improve the performance of your applications. By outsourcing your application maintenance, you benefit from à la carte functional and technical expertise.

Ezway Technology has the know-how and skills to maintain your databases and applications. You benefit from customized application maintenance.

Corrective and upgrade maintenance expertise

Our Application Maintenance services cover both corrective and evolutionary maintenance of your applications. Our corrective maintenance services can resolve functional anomalies and limit the damage they can cause. Depending on the seriousness of the situation, our teams choose the right methods to correct it. Our experienced technicians :

Our evolutionary maintenance services optimize the performance of your applications. By taking into account new technologies, current legislation and regulations, we can improve their interfaces, add new functions and innovative uses. We carry out both minor and major upgrade maintenance on your applications.

Why entrust your application maintenance to us?

When you entrust your application maintenance to Ezway Technology, you benefit from the customized services of an expert in IT application maintenance. When you entrust your application maintenance to Ezway Technology, you benefit from the tailor-made services of an expert in IT application maintenance.

We intervene quickly for :

  • reduce your application maintenance costs ;
  • reduce your application maintenance costs ;
  • strengthen the security of your applications and their areas of use ;
  • strengthen the security of your applications and their areas of use ;
  • gain in agility, functional and technical skills ;
  • gain in agility, functional and technical skills ;
  • constantly adapt your information systems to technological developments,