Virtual assistance is one of today’s most widespread digital professions. It enables startups to find the right solution to nurture their relationships with customers and optimize their visibility on the Internet. Having a virtual assistant to carry out certain time-consuming tasks is a real asset for any company.
A virtual assistant operates remotely to carry out the tasks entrusted to it. He is able to carry out all the tasks a company needs, according to his instructions. Although remote, it’s easy to collaborate with this professional via specific tools like Google Drive and similar applications.
Virtual assistance professionals provide a wide range of services. They are versatile. They represent a company to its customers. They are also called upon to improve the customer experience within a company with a view to building loyalty. They generally perform the same functions as assistants in traditional companies.
The virtual assistant profession includes various technical specifications such as :
Most contractors often don’t have enough time to complete all their daily tasks. But they need to increase their efficiency and focus more on the most important aspects of their business. In this case, working with a virtual assistant is a considerable asset. Ezway Technology offers you :
Our accounting support service is responsible for managing your company’s incoming and outgoing cash flow. He updates the accounts journal regularly.
Our administrative assistance professionals are your allies for all your administrative tasks (e-mail and call management, document organization and classification, diary management…).
Our HR assistants will take care of recruiting staff tailored to your needs and requirements. They develop special techniques to select the best profiles.
Our SEO writers can create quality articles to optimize your website’s natural referencing. They write blog articles, product sheets, buying guides, newsletters and e-books…
Our community managers manage your company’s image on social networks. They take charge of creating visual and textual content, moderation, crisis management, creating a digital communications strategy, creating and animating a community, monitoring the web…
Our virtual assistants for sales prospecting optimize all your marketing actions. They collect important information about your prospects, or arrange appointments to develop your sales.